
Fillings are used nowadays not only for restoring damaged teeth due to decay or fracture, but also for cosmetic improvement of misshaped, discoloured or slightly misplaced teeth.

Filling materials have come a long way from the time of amalgams (silver-mercury) to the newest generations of composites (tooth coloured) which combine strength and adherence to tooth structure and can be chosen to blend with the existing tooth colour for a seamless esthetic result.

Composite fillings can be made as small as needed, without removing healthy tooth structure. Their adhesive properties can also be used to stabilize cracked teeth for painless function or to improve shapes or sizes of teeth for cosmetic purposes.

With all the above benefits, composites have become the most popular restorative material but they also have some disadvantages. There is no perfect dental filling material yet. Our philosophy is to use each filling for its best application for each individual situation. We will discuss with you about the pros and cons of each restorative material before we place it and you can make the decision of which one you prefer.

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